Arafo community Arafo in south Tenerife

Arafo - a mountain village with agricultural landscape extending to the sea

The small, nice town of Arafo lies above the south coast, ca. 4 km north of Güimar and ca. 30 km south of Santa Cruz. Arafo en sout Tenerife has ca. 5000 inhabitants.
Fruit, vegetables, potatoes and wine are cultivated on terrace fields. This is even today an important source of income of the population.
In the centre of the town, there is a church which many people like to visit because of the woodcarvings in its interior. The houses are well-kept and very often decorated with lots of flowers. Arafo has very often been awarded for being such a picturesque town.
The street to Arafo leads you past uncultivated terraces. Framed by wild growing xerophytes, vine, papaya trees and tomatoes are looking for light.
Already before the town, everything looks well-tilled and cultivated. Picnic sites full of flowers emphasize this impression.
At the start of the town, there is a very old Canary pine, encircled by a stone house. In the vernacular it is called "Pine of God".
Craft fairs take place regularly in the indoor markets and the exhibition halls of the town. As far as music is concerned, the town has lots to offer, too. As many musicians live here, Arafo is also called the "musical town" of the island.
At the end of August, festivities in honour of the patron saint take place every year.
Ca. 6 km farther away, there are some natural bathing bays. 

Arafo - California poppy

• Activities in the area of Arafo:
   - Mountain biking or hiking in the mountains or in the nature park Montaña Grande / landscape garden Malpais

• Attractions:
   - Pyramids of Güimar in Güimar
   - Churches Iglesia del Convento de Santo Domingo and Iglesia de San Pedro in Güimar from the 17. century
   - Teide national park (90 min. by car)

Map Arafo

Beaches in the area


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